Stories Collection
Need help in finding the right stories to share with your children?
You are in the right place! Our collection of stories and story resources include some original tales and some that are adapted from storytelling traditions all around the world. They will each open up new landscapes in your heart and mind, expanding all of your family’s horizons.
Each one of these packages is going to help you turn criticism into connection and frustration into fun, all while building magical memories for everyone to treasure.
A story prompt to share with your children each day of the year.
...Launching Soon...
This calendar of story prompts is designed for the busy and burnt out parent who wants to share more stories with their children (because you know how valuable they are) and yet has no time or energy to look for new stories each day.
Hey mama, we’ve got you! Simply download the calendar and follow the prompt. Voila! An easy and straightforward way of adding a touch of magic to your family life each day.
The prompts are diverse, including personal stories, cultural stories, science and nature stories, fantasy and the imagination, stories that deal with emotion and others that offer the opportunity to reinforce core values like kindness and tolerance.
Daily story prompts make your life so much easier because they supercharge your connection with your children without requiring even more time and energy from you.
You enhance your family life, improve your children’s critical and creative brain and even get to keep the calendar forever so that your children have a record of all the stories you have shared along the way.
What you get:
A monthly live online fun & fancy storytelling session and story pack of beautiful story audios and printables for your children.
...Launching Soon...
This package of storytelling sessions and beautifully illustrated printables offers a mixture of stories and activities that will allow your child to dig deep into the lessons, whilst flying high into the possibilities.
Stories open our mind and our heart to a fuller life. Parents know this but do not always have the time to look for the best stories for their children and often feel they need support to keep up with their children and find a balance between all their daily responsibilities.
So...we did all the background work to offer you this ready-to-go solution. No more aimlessly surfing the net hoping to hit a story jackpot or thinking of ways in which to teach your children important values.
Stories include a variety of themes among which animal stories, nature stories, traditional folk tales, classic (but often forgotten) fairy tales, food, giants, and real life situations.
Each month you will receive an invitation to join our fun and fancy live online storytelling sessions and a themed story pack too.
7 Story Themes:
Simply listen, download, print and share with your children.
A collection of 24 uplifting story meditations to unleash your full parenting power.
...Launching Soon...
Delivered via audio and video, these 24 meditation prompts are designed to remind each mother to stop, breathe deeply and channel the raw power of life.
Mothers are on duty 24/7, often with little support and many obstacles to overcome.
Guilt replaces the joy we first felt at becoming parents because although we are trying our very hardest, without enough support a sense of isolation kicks in and our parenting is not always what we would like it to be.
Storify works like a magic spell, reminding you that you are not alone and connecting you to a web of mums, positivity and uplifting energy. You can tune in to the story meditations at any point during the day or night when you need them the most.
We were never meant to parent alone, let’s regroup and harness our inner strength and collective energy to create a more serene personal and family life.
Also includes 3 bonuses:
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