About Lignin Stories

Lignin Stories is a storytelling agency that caters for parents, teachers, and caregivers

of children and young adults.

Through our live and online programmes, workshops, events, and artisan books we support parents, teachers, and caregivers to transform guilt and fatigue into deep communication and connection.

Lignin is a polymer found in trees.

It transfers to paper and when paper is handled the polymer breaks.

At this point, it releases a vanilla-like smell, which is why old bookshops smell so delicious!

We chose the name because lignin's properties are powerful, just like the work we feel called to do here. It also resonated because it fits one of our life mantras - that beauty and hope push through everything, especially brokenness. The polymer has to break for the comforting smell to exist.

When we embrace this mantra we release ourselves from a sense of helplessness and from stories that don’t serve us, from a sense of ineptitude and brokenness.

This release allows us to embrace wisdom, beauty and hope and as adults we gift these qualities to our children.

This has a huge impact on their lives.

When parents, teachers, and caregivers approach their relationship to children and young adults through deep connection, we open the world up into a playground of possibility.

This has certainly been our experience and one day soon we will tell you more about how storytelling healed us and is now healing the families, schools, voluntary and government organisations that work with us.

But, meanwhile, we want to share some of the wisdom, beauty and hope that Lignin Stories has shared with our global community since its inception, in 2017.

Over the past three years, our team of storytellers have told stories to over ten thousand 5 to 10 year old children.

They have listened to us, wide-eyed and emboldened whilst we listened to them empowered and inspired by their experience of the world.

Lignin Stories has also hosted over 100 workshops, in person and online, for parents, teachers, and caregivers of children and young adults. 

We have witnessed so many 'aha' moments as adults realise that our storytelling method makes communication and connection with children so much easier and lighter. We have been moved to see these families and communities receive hope for a peaceful life, sprinkled with story magic.

Storytelling Rituals

They enhance family and community bonding, open us up to deeper, more meaningful communication and allow us to enjoy our time together in more profound ways.

Our commitment to beauty has birthed unique fair-trade, artisan produced sustainable books and keepsakes that are intended to compliment your storytelling rituals. 

Each one is carefully curated to ensure they benefit everyone involved and provide you with gifts of beautiful heirloom quality to delight and inspire your family and community.  And, there are other dreams in the pipeline.

We wish to gift every child a story library that will resource them for life, a chest full of wisdom and courage that they can always turn to in moments of need.

We wish to bring our support to all parents everywhere  because parents are the most important service providers in our global society and yet they are the least supported.

We wish to support teachers' work in classrooms because teachers are undervalued, under-resourced, and overworked but they are also light-bearers and we desperately need to recognise their power in generating global solutions for change.

We wish to launch a community programme  that will allow us to work with caregivers, children, and young adults who do not have direct access to our events, parents who really need support but for whom the idea of a course is scary, families transitioning through trauma. 

Every day we pray and move our feet. Every day we have faith and take action.

Every day we choose wisdom, beauty and hope and we pay it forward, from our hearts to yours, one magical story at a time.


Giuliana Fenech

Dr Giuliana Fenech (PhD) is a professional storyteller and researcher of children's literature and cultural traditions. She lectures at the University of Malta and is the founder of Lignin Stories, an agency that supports parents, teachers, and caregivers of children and young adults to introduce positive story solutions to their family, classroom, and community lives. 

Throughout her career, she has worked on numerous international partnerships including projects with; 

  • Seven Stories, The National Centre for Children’s Books (UK) and Esplora Interactive Science Centre (Malta) on intergenerational storytelling, girls and STEAM;
  • Edinburgh Storytelling Centre (UK), Centro Storie Italiano (Italy) and Ziguzajg International Festival for Children and Young People (Malta) on storytelling through fairy tales and the regeneration of indigenous folktales;
  • Federation for European Storytelling (FEST), Giovanna Conforto, Ivanir Sibylla Hasson, Maja Bumberak, Spela Kaplja and indie publishing house Kotba Calleja (Malta) on storytelling and natural heritage;
  • the TATE Modern (UK) and the Victor Pasmore Gallery (Malta) on multimedia storytelling, poetry and painting.

Giuliana is passionate about sharing the wisdom and magic of old stories with families and communities all across the world because she understands the wellbeing this will bring to both children and adults in this highly accelerated and demanding age.


Marcela Fratescu

Ms Marcela Fratescu (MSc) is a learning and development expert with experience in educational and corporate settings. She is currently a Senior Learning and Development Associate at PWC (Malta) where she focuses on optimising employee training and growth strategies.

Throughout her career, Marcela has been involved in mentoring students in both formal and informal settings and was part of the core team setting up the Not Alone Foundation in Groningen (Netherlands). 


Marcela is passionate about sharing the power of connection and helping people to harness their emotions to raise themselves and their communities higher.  She firmly believes that self-awareness and non-violent communication can transform personal and professional lives in radical ways, especially in an age of disorientation and disconnection.

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